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Actions on Idea (PRO)

The action buttons enable you to progress and develop an idea, through different phases of ideation funnel, from idea generation to idea screening to idea approval and implementation.

IMPORTANT: For the Administrator and Approver, all action buttons on one idea are available. Additionally, they can perform an action on any idea, regardless of its state and status.

When the idea is created and improved through collaboration, the only action Idea Contributor can perform is to Send idea to Scoring.

Once the idea is sent to scoring, the Idea Scorer can evaluate the idea by applying the action Enter your score. If the idea is not good enough and needs more research and collaboration, Idea Scorer can apply action Send the idea to rework.

As soon as the idea is scored, Approver and Administrator can make a final decision on the idea with the action Approve

When the idea is approved, the Administrator and the Approver have an additional option - to Implement Idea.

The Administrator can apply different actions on the idea: put idea On hold, Reject it, Archive idea, Send to Approval, Send to Scoring and Approve idea.