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Analytics (PRO)

The advanced Innovation Cloud PRO reports enable you to accurately measure idea management performance to make educated decisions on your best ideas.

IMPORTANT: Only the Administrator of your Innovation Cloud PRO account has the access to all reports. Other users can access some of the reports based on their role in the system.

Reports available:

1. Idea portfolio report - an overview of essential data for each idea; the state of an idea, number of votes, documents and comments. You can export this data and print it for your offline meetings and presentations.

2. Top Contributors report - information on the activity of each member of your team, enabling you to identify the most and the least active members on the platform.

3. Score report - the scoring data calculated for every idea in the system in order to track the ones with the biggest potential.

4. Idea Activity report - the list of ideas with the most or least user activity

5. Popularity report - ideas that attracted the most attention in the system

6. Bottleneck report - singles out the ideas trapped in a certain phase of ideation process.

Note: Each report can be exported and printed for your offline meetings and presentations.